Paper and Presentations

In this section the related papers and presentations are available in downloadable format.

Carl Dahlman and Jean-Eric Aubert, World Bank Interest in Finland as a Knowledge Economy, presented in the workshop August 30 (download)

Pekka Ylä-Anttila, Basic features of the Finnish economy, presented in the workshop August 30 (download)

Laura Paija, Building Up a Knowledge Economy - Case Finland, presented in the workshop August 30 (download)

Christopher Palmberg, The transformation of the forestry-related industries – A Knowledge Economy perspective, presented in the workshop August 30 (download)

Carlos Alvarez, Chilean KE study, presented in the workshop August 31 (download)

Liisa Leijola, Education system in Finland – Development and equality, presented in the workshop August 31 (download)

Jorma Routti, Reseach and Innovation in Finland, presented in the workshop August 31 (download)

Jorma Routti, What's ahead - future challenges, presented in the workshop August 31 (download)